1. 道路 The Way The Way 112x33cm (1962)
4. 新境 New Vision 122x91 (1970)
8. SIR-COLE 68x196 (1966)
5. 自畫像 Self-Portrait 122x91cm (1968)
11. 結構 Structure 102x81cm (1965)
12. 實由虛出 From Insubstantiality to Existence 78x78cm (1976)
合意軒 九龍漆咸圍6號紀德樓5樓 King Chia-Lun's Studio Creative Mansion, 5/F, 6 Chatham Court, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel/Fax: 2302 4208
Last Revised Date: 12 April 2009